Monkey no Chatbox


Friday, May 22, 2009

ice cream

ice cream
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Gavin Levy
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

I always thought it would be cute if someone just so happened to find themselves in a candy shop everyday eating all kinds of candy alongside a bunch of kids... never imagining they could find love there. Spending your life only addicted to one thing, then waking up to find you are in love with something sweeter than candy. The only sweeter thing than candy is being with someone you love!


Download :

ice cream : Mediafire


Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Gavin Levy
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

I always thought it would be romantic to set a towel outside in the backyard, and watch an ECLIPSE. (without going blindofcourse) An eclipse is a miracle of nature, and to feel that kind of love with someone you care about is an even bigger miracle. This song explores the hard challenge we all face in our lives, but once we break the barrier and find a piece of what we are looking for there is a big weight off of our shoulders. When you find becomes a miracle of nature...a total eclipse.
僕はいつも思うんだ。庭にタオルを敷いて外でeclipseを見上げる事が何てロマンチック だろうと…(もちろん遮る物も何もなしでね)eclipseは自然が織り成す奇跡。そして私達が大切に思う誰かとの愛を感じる事はもっとすごい奇跡だと思 う。この曲は人生において誰もが直面する困難な出来事に立ち向かう曲。一度その殻を破って僕達がそこに探し求めている愛を見つけた時にあらゆる困難な物か ら解き放たれる。その愛を見つけた時…正に自然における奇跡になるんだ…それがtotal eclipse.
*total eclipse= 皆既食

Download :

Total Eclipse : Mediafire


The Sweetest Day

The Sweetest Day
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Special guest bass: Dick (Soul Addiction, Monkey Majik)
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Hiroko Masuko
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

The Sweetest Day is a summer song. I wrote this song thinking of going back to CANADA and seeing my FAMILY for CHRISTMAS. I haven't been home for CHRISTMAS in a long time so I was hoping that by writing this song , by some miracle I would get the chance this year to be home for CHRISTMAS. I enjoy making HAPPY songs and this is definately a song that makes me happy!

The Sweetest Dayは夏の曲なんだけど、クリスマスにカナダに帰って家族と会いたいなぁっという思いで書いたんだ。長い間クリスマスに帰っていなかったんだ。だからこ の曲を書いた事で奇跡がおこりクリスマスに家に帰れるといいな。Happyな曲を作るのは本当に楽しく、この曲は絶対僕をHappyにしてくれる事間違い ないね。

Download :

The Sweetest Day : Mediafire


Get up and dance

Get up and dance
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Hiroko Masuko
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

'Get up and dance' is a song about being too shy to get up and do something exciting for change. Sometimes I find myself a little bit hesitant when put into a strange situtation, but I try my best to participate as much as I can! It is always best to get up and dance sometimes to enjoy the thrill of life. Let yourself know you are ALIVE!!!!

'Get up and dance'は、変化を求め、立ち上がって何か楽しいことをする、ということをためらっている様子を歌っています。

Download :

Get up and dance : Mediafire


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Blaise Plant
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Taihei Sasaki
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

This song was really fun to make! I played around a lot with different sounds and it turned out great! Basically this is about keeping up with the times. The world is changing so fast sometimes we find it hard to catch up. When I say “Shine” what I mean is try to keep ahead of everything and push yourself as hard as you can. Try not to dance to everyone else’s choreography, create your own. Thanks and enjoy!


Download :

Shine : Mediafire .


Don’t forget me

Blaise Plant
Don’t forget me
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Taihei Sasaki
Guest Piano Performance: Watanabe Ichiro
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

I decided to have a little more fun this time with language.
The theme to "Don't forget me" is basically about a man who falls in love with a woman who doesn't have any confidence in herself.
He wants to spend the rest of his life with her but he later finds out he has to leave for a he begs her to wait for him and to not forget him.
She does wait for him but he never comes back to her.
He could be dead, or he could have simply run away for good.
But she keeps on remembering him, thinking he will be back someday But he never shows up.

"Don't forget me"のテーマ…

Download :

Don’t forget me : Mediafire .


Call me (Appelez moi)

Blaise Plant
Call me (Appelez moi)
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant

The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Photograph by Noriyuki Igarashi (N Design Studio)
Design : Blaise Plant & Noriyuki Igarashi (N Design Studio)
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant

Call me (Appelez moi)
Song Synopsis
This song is my first attempt at writing in French and English.
When I was writing “Call me (Appelez moi)” , I was thinking of using the idea of losing track of people.
The idea of “we are only a phone call away” always made me laugh because the simpler things get,
the less we want to do, but the lyrics have nothing to do with that.
Using that idea, the story is of a guy who is trying to get a hold of a girl he knew when he was younger, but he can’t bring himself to call her, so he decides to walk to her.
At every step he takes, he hesitates, and contemplates whether or not he should turn back, but he continues. When he finally arrives, he realizes that he never had the courage to talk to her before, why would he now?
Ultimately it forces him to admit to himself that he never really knew her in the first place, and he continues praying for her to call him someday.

“Call me(Appelez moi)を制作している時(歌詞の内容とは関係ないのですが)、
あ る男には、以前からの知人で、ずっと想いを寄せていた女性がいた。なかなか電話をする勇気がでなかったのだが、ある日思い切って彼女に歩み寄ろうとする。 一歩一歩前へ進む度、やっぱりやめようかと躊躇しながら・・・。そしてついに彼女に声をかけた。今までこんなに思い切った行動にでたことは無かったのに、 何故今僕はこんな行動にでているのだろうと驚きながら。しかし結局彼女は全く話したこともない、ただひそかに想いを寄せていた女性だったのだ。それでも男 は彼女からいつか、来るはずも無い電話が来るんじゃないかと、ひそかに願いつづけている・・・

Download :

Call me (Appelez moi) : Madiafire