Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant
The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Gavin Levy
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant
I always thought it would be romantic to set a towel outside in the backyard, and watch an ECLIPSE. (without going blindofcourse) An eclipse is a miracle of nature, and to feel that kind of love with someone you care about is an even bigger miracle. This song explores the hard challenge we all face in our lives, but once we break the barrier and find a piece of what we are looking for there is a big weight off of our shoulders. When you find becomes a miracle of nature...a total eclipse.
僕はいつも思うんだ。庭にタオルを敷いて外でeclipseを見上げる事が何てロマンチック だろうと…(もちろん遮る物も何もなしでね)eclipseは自然が織り成す奇跡。そして私達が大切に思う誰かとの愛を感じる事はもっとすごい奇跡だと思 う。この曲は人生において誰もが直面する困難な出来事に立ち向かう曲。一度その殻を破って僕達がそこに探し求めている愛を見つけた時にあらゆる困難な物か ら解き放たれる。その愛を見つけた時…正に自然における奇跡になるんだ…それがtotal eclipse.
*total eclipse= 皆既食
Download :
Total Eclipse : Mediafire