The Sweetest Day

The Sweetest Day
Music/Blaise Plant
Lyric/Blaise Plant
The Alphabet Project is Blaise Plant
All songs written, recorded, and mixed by Blaise Plant
Recorded and Mixed at daydreamPRODUCTIONS
Special guest bass: Dick (Soul Addiction, Monkey Majik)
Mastered by Yusuke Oumi
Design:Hiroko Masuko
Artist Management: fairyTALE
Produced by Blaise Plant
The Sweetest Day is a summer song. I wrote this song thinking of going back to CANADA and seeing my FAMILY for CHRISTMAS. I haven't been home for CHRISTMAS in a long time so I was hoping that by writing this song , by some miracle I would get the chance this year to be home for CHRISTMAS. I enjoy making HAPPY songs and this is definately a song that makes me happy!
The Sweetest Dayは夏の曲なんだけど、クリスマスにカナダに帰って家族と会いたいなぁっという思いで書いたんだ。長い間クリスマスに帰っていなかったんだ。だからこ の曲を書いた事で奇跡がおこりクリスマスに家に帰れるといいな。Happyな曲を作るのは本当に楽しく、この曲は絶対僕をHappyにしてくれる事間違い ないね。
Download :
The Sweetest Day : Mediafire